Directeur: Professeur Bertrand Lemennicier-Bucquet
Adresse: Université de Paris II
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Téléphone: 01 44 41 89 94 (secrétariat)
Axes de recherche :
 Théorie économique du Droit
 Théorie économique des Choix Publics
 Théorie économique des Comportements Humains
 Théorie économique des Institutions internationales et Européennes
 Théorie économique des Institutions Monétaires et Bancaires

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Fiche individuelle d'un doctorant ou chercheur associé
Charles N'Cho, Professeur à l'Université de San Francisco et Banque mondiale

Né le 13 janvier 1953

E-mail :


1985 Ph.D. in Applied Economics, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA.
Dissertation: "Growth, Equity and Dependency: a Math Programming Evaluation of Alternative Development Strategies and Application to Egypt"

1983 M.S. in Operations Research, Stanford University.

1980 M.S. in Statistics, Data Analysis and Statistical Computing, Stanford University.

1978 Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies (DEA) en Economie Appliquées,, Université de Paris IX Dauphine, Paris, France.

1977 Diplôme des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (H.E.C), Jouy-en-Josas, Paris, France.

1973 Mathématiques Supérieures, Lycée Roosevelt, Reims, France.


II.1 Current Appointment:

2004-present Emeritus Professor, Economics, University of San Francisco
1991-2004 Associate Professor of Economics, University of San Francisco;
1986-90 Assistant Professor of Economics, University of San Francisco.;

II.2 Other Appointments:

1994-Present University of Paris-2: Visiting Professor, Université de Paris II, Panthéon Assas,, Paris, France. Doctoral Program in “International Economics and Development”.
1999-present World Bank: Short-term consultant, PREM and Regional Integration Units, Africa Region, Washington DC.
2000-2001 University of San Francisco: Co-Chair, Deans’ Committee on African Studies.
1991-1992 University of San Francisco: Graduate Program Director, Department of Economics.
1988-1992 European University of America, San Francisco, California, USA: Academic dean..

II.3 Consultancies:

Oct 06-present World Bank, Gabon : International Consultant for the Government of Gabon and the World Bank: Assistance to the Government to design and implement a comprehensive Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) for PRSP-related budgeting, including: (i) preparation of a Priority Actions Program (PAP), development of a macroeconomic model for policy simulation and a multi-sector MTEF for budget preparation, and training for capacity strengthening. A two-year World Bank, UNDP and Government-supported program.
Oct 06-present World Bank, Chad: International Consultant for the World Bank: (i) Training and assistance to the Government to implement a multi-sector MTEF to align the budget to the PRSP, (ii) assistance in the preparation of a second generation PRSP. Both activities are supported by the World Bank.
2006-present World Bank, Benin: International Consultant for the Government of Benin (GOB) and the World Bank: (i) Assistance to the GOB for preparation of the second generation PRSP; (ii) implementation of a capacity strengthening program, including macro-modeling and developing a comprehensive Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) for PRSP-related budgeting in Benin. A World Bank supported project.
2005-present Cameroon: International Consultant to the Government of Cameroon (GOC) and the World Bank: Development of a Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) for PRSP-related budgeting in Cameroon: I am assisting the GOC to implement a multi-sector MTEF to align the budget to the PRSP and its sector strategies. A World Bank supported project.
2004-05 World Bank, Washington DC: Senior Economist/Consultant, AFTP3, Africa Region, World Bank, Washington DC. (i) I have assisted the Cameroon country team in several important assignments: (i) co-task-team leader (with Florence Charlier, the country economist) for the preparation of Cameroon’s Development Policy Review (DPR, 2004); (ii) lead consultant for Cameroon Poverty Assessment (FY 0405).
Sept99-Present World Bank, ECOWAS and UEMOA: Senior Economist/Consultant for ECOWAS, UEMOA and the World Bank Regional Integration and Cooperation Unit, Africa Region, Washington DC. (i) Lead consultant for the preparation of a Regional Integration Assistance Strategy for West Africa (TTL: Charles Humphreys, Sector Manager, Macro4, 1999-2001). This work received recognition as a best practice by the World Bank. (ii) Co-TTL of the West Africa Regional PRSP (with Marie-Françoise Marie-Nelly, Regional Integration and Cooperation Program Coordinator, 2002-04, Deo Ndikumana and Quentin Wodon, 2004-05). We have assisted the ECOWAS and UEMOA Regional PRSP Task Force in the preparation of a Regional PRSP for West Africa, including development of a concept paper, capacity strengthening and assistance in the preparation of the strategy document.

2000-Present UNDP, World Bank, Cameroon: Senior Economist/Consultant for the GOC, UNDP and the World Bank, building technical capacity for PRSP work in Cameroon: With Florence Charlier (the World Bank country economist for Cameroon). I have assisted the Government of Cameroon to strengthen technical capacities for PRSP work, including: (i) development of a multi-sector macroeconometric model (SIPAE) for growth and poverty reduction policy simulation (the model also includes a 123PRSP risk analysis module as well as a PAMS poverty assessment module); (ii) development of a multi-sector MTEF (Education, health and road infrastructure) for PRSP-consistent budgeting; (iii) training of technical staffs and assistance in using those instruments to prepare the macro framework for the annual budget, monitor implementation of the IMF-supported PRGF program and the PRSP; (iv) preparation of an important “Study on the Sources of Growth for Cameroon”, which provided input to the PRSP. This experience received recognition as a “best practice” for 2004 by the World Bank PREM network.

2001-present World Bank, Niger: Senior Economist/Consultant, building technical capacity for PRSP work in Niger (macro modeling, MTEF development, study on the sources of growth, training), World Bank, Washington, DC, with Emmanuel Pinto (the World Bank country economist for Niger) and Florence Charlier (AFTP3, Cameroon). I have assisted the Government of Niger to strengthen technical capacities for PRSP work, including: (i) development of a multi-sector macroeconometric model (AYEROU) for macroeconomic policy simulation; (ii) development of a multi-sector MTEF (Education, health and rural sectors) for PRSP-consistent budgeting; (iii) training of technical staffs and assistance in using the model to prepare the macro framework for the budget, the IMF-supported PRGF program and the PRSP; (iv); (iv) preparation of an important “Study on the Sources of Growth for Cameroon”, with Prof. Tarno Mamane (University of Niamey), to guide the government on growth policy formulation.

1998-99 World Bank, Burkina Faso: Senior Economist/Consultant, building technical capacity for PRSP work in Burkina Faso (macro modeling, MTEF development, study on the sources of growth), World Bank, Washington, DC, with Celestin Monga (the country economist for Burkina Faso) and Florence Charlier. I developed an endogenous growth model and directed a study on the sources of growth for Burkina Faso. This work was used in the preparation of the PRSP.

1996-99 Cote d’Ivoire: Macroeconomist/consultant for the World Bank Economic Management Support Program in Côte d’Ivoire (PAGE, Ministry of the Economy and Finance, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire), with Florence Charlier. I assisted the “Direction de la Conjoncture et de la Prévision Economique” to implement a two-year training and capacity building program designed to strengthen macro policy analysis and management capacity within the ministry of economy and finance. We developed a line of technical instruments for economic policy management, including (i) a live-database (SIGMA), (ii) a macro-econometric model (ECOMAC.CIV), (iii) a series of publications including a quarterly review of the economy (“Etudes et Conjoncture”) and an annual Development Policy Review (“Développements Récents et Perspectives”).

1992-1995 UNDP, Benin: Macroeconomist/consultant for UNDP-supported capacity building project in Benin (UNDP project BEN/87/027). I led a team of local experts to assist the government to strengthen macroeconomic policy management capacities. We developed with the team (i) a macroeconomic model for basic forecasting and macro projections (ECOBEN), and a computable general equilibrium model (BENMCEG) for adjustment policy simulations. A team of local experts has been trained throughout the project to continue improving and exploiting the instruments.

1989-1991 World Bank, Washington DC: Macroeconomist/Consultant for macro-modeling of the Social Dimension of Adjustment (SDA), World Bank, Washington, DC. I was in charge of developing a modeling strategy for incorporating social dimensions in macroeconomic policy analysis and planning. In that capacity, I designed an empirical framework for policy planning integrating social dimensions (the "Macro-Meso-Micro"), and an extended version of the World Bank RMSM model in order to produce a number of social indicators of development. Versions of the extended RMSM (RMSM-S) have been implemented respectively for TOGO (RMSMS.TOG) and TANZANIA (RMSMS.TAN).

1985-1986 USAID, Egypt: Macroeconomist/Consultant for USAID-supported macro-modeling project for Egypt. I developed a microcomputer based computable general equilibrium (CGE) model of the Egyptian economy, for use in the policy dialogue between USAID CAIRO and the Egyptian Government.


1."Estimating Human Capital for Growth and Poverty Modeling", with F. Charlier, M. Xuereb and F. Tchana, Working Paper, World Bank (forthcoming, 2007).
2."RAMA, a Macroeconometric Endogenous Growth Model for PRSP Policy Simulations"; with F. Charlier, F. Tchana and M. Xuereb; Working Paper, World Bank (forthcoming, 2007).
3."A Medium Term Expenditure Framework for Result-Based Strategic Planning: Methodology and Application to Cameroon"; with F. Charlier; Working Paper, World Bank, 2006.
4.Accelerating Regional Integration in West Africa: A Discussion Paper (with Humphreys et al), World Bank, Washington DC, June 2002.
5.“Inflation and Firm Growth: The Case of South-Africa 1980-96”, with D. Blakley, W. Murray, et al., Journal of Financial Management and Analysis, September 2001.
6.“The Determinants of Firm Growth in an Inflationary Environments: An International Investigation”; with D. Blakley and W. Murray, September 1998, the Southern Africa Journal of Finance, June 2000.
7.“Social Solidarity Constraints on Savings in Sub-Saharan Africa (with Florence M. Charlier, Stanford Economics Policy Research Memorandum, Stanford University, March 99); Mimeo.
8.“Financial Liberalization, investment and Growth in West-Africa”, (with Florence Charlier, Stanford, March 99). “Savings and Development”. October 2000.
9."Social Dimensions of Adjustment: Macro-Modeling Aspects", in Evaluation of Development Strategies: Prospects for Growth in Africa in the 1990s; by Aguibou Yansane (ed), Greenwood Press, N.Y. 1993.
10.Integrating Social Dimensions in Macroeconomic Adjustment Policy Analysis: Toward a Modeling Strategy, a monograph, World Bank/SDA, 1989.
11.“GEMISR: A General Equilibrium Macro Model for Policy Dialogue for Egypt: A microcomputer-based CGE model”; monograph published in Project on Microcomputers in Development, FRI, Stanford University, 1988.
12."A Choice Model for Explaining the Vote on NAFTA", (with H. Fischer); Mimeo, University of San Francisco, October 1994.

 Recent Papers Produced in the context of Economic Policy Management Support Projects:

1.“A new Resolve to Sustain Reform for Inclusive Growth”, A Development Policy Review for Cameroon. (with Florence Charlier et al.). The World Bank, Washington DC, June 2006.
2.“Burkina Faso: Competitiveness and Sources of Growth”. With Celestin Monga and Florence Charlier. The World Bank, Washington DC, 2001.
3.“Côte d’Ivoire: Recent Economic Development and Medium Term Prospects: 1998/2000”; a complete country economic memorandum produced under my supervision within the Direction de la Prevision, Ministry of Economy and Finance; PAGE, DCPE, Abidjan, November 1998.
4.“La Côte d’Ivoire 2010”, a prospective analysis of the ivorian economy and society by the year 2010, BNETD, Abidjan, October 1998.
5.“ECOMAC, Modèle d’Appui à la Prévision et la Gestion Macro-économique pour la Côte d’Ivoire; Vol I: Description du Modèle”; PAGE, DCPE, Abidjan, August 1997.
6.“ECOMAC, Modèle d’Appui à la Prévision et la Gestion Macro-économique pour la Côte d’Ivoire; Vol II: Analyses Econométriques du Modèle”; (with Florence Charlier, Stanford University); PAGE, DCPE, Abidjan, August 1997.
9."Description du Modèle ECOMAC/ECODIV de Cadrage Macroéconomique à Court et Moyen Termes pour la Côte d’Ivoire"; UNDP Project IVC/87/005, including computer software; December 1998.
10."BENMCEG: Un Modèle Calculable d'Equilibre Général pour le Bénin"; UNDP Project BEN/87/023, including computer software; June 1993.

 Selected Presentations and Workshops.

1.“Cameroon: The Challenge of Inclusive Growth in the Post-Completion Period”, Seminar organized by the Presidency of Cameroon, Yaoundé, March 2004.
2.“Fiscal and External Deficits, Central Bank Policies, Inflation and Growth in the Countries of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU): Lessons from a Macro-modeling experiment"; Seminar on Research Methods, BCEAO, Dakar, Senegal, June 1997.
3."Incorporating Social Dimensions in Macro-Modeling: the World Bank RMSM-S Experiment"; I animated a one-day seminar at the Direction des investigations sur l'Ajustement a Long-terme, Paris, France, Mars 1991.
4."A RMSM-S for Adjustment Policy Monitoring for Tanzania"; World Bank/SDA, April 1990.
5."Social Dimensions of Structural Adjustments: Macro-Modeling Aspects"; at the "Multidisciplinary Colloquium on Evaluation of Development Strategies: Prospects for Growth in Africa in the 1990s", San Francisco State University, April 1990.
6."The RMSM-S Modeling Experiment for Togo"; World Bank/SDA, December 1989.
7."Integrating Social Dimensions in Policy Definition"; at the SDA colloquium on "Macro-Modeling and Social Dimensions", World Bank/SDA, Washington DC, Sept. 1989.
8."Structural Adjustment Policy Analysis with a General Equilibrium Macro Model: The Case of Egypt"; presented at the World Bank, Washington DC, 1989.
9.“Burkina Faso: Competitivité et Croissance Économique, Orientations, Stratégies et Actions”, Ouagadougou, May 1999. A two-day seminar organized by the Government and the World Bank to discuss the outline of a competitive strategy for Burkina Faso’s integration into the global economy.
10.“Privatization, Productivity and Competitiveness: How Côte d’Ivoire can win in the global economy”; a one-day seminar organized by the World Bank with the Privatization Committee; Abidjan, June 1996. The seminar addressed the domestic and international financial and economic press corps.
11.“City-Bank 2005: Bank Strategies for meeting the challenges of an emerging regional financial market”; a two-day seminar for bank staff executives from the sub-region, Abidjan, October 1996.
12.“Macro-modeling and Macro Policy Planning”: An intensive month-long training program on econometric analysis and macro-modeling techniques for members of the “Cellule Macro”, the technical unit in support of policy definition, within the Ministry of Economics and Finance, and including staffs from the, Ministry of Planning and the Prime Ministry in Côte d’Ivoire.

 Other Professional Activities

1.I am also a founding member and the general manager of INT-DEC (International Development Consulting). INT-DEC is a network of African and Africanists dedicated to the transfer of know-how to Africa, particularly in the area of economic analysis and policy planning as well as in administrative capacity building for the continent. INT-DEC has developed various micro-computer-based policy modeling instruments, country economic databases, and specializes in PRSP related analytical works (study on the sources of growth, sector strategies, Poverty Assessment, PRSP preparation, and the elaboration of MTEF for PRSP-consistent budgeting.


Prof. George B. DANTZIG
Department of Operations Research, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305
Tel:(415) 723 1305, email:

Prof. Walter FALCON
Director, Center for Research in International Studies
Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305,
Tel: (650) 723-6367, email:

Prof. Stanley NEL
Vice-President for International Programs Development,
University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94117,
Tel: (415) 422-6453 email:

Dr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas
Executive Secretary, ECOWAS,
Abuja, Nigeria
Tel:(234) 9-314-7637

H.E. Martin Aristide Okouda
Minister of Public Works, Government of Cameroon
Yaoundé, Cameroon
Tel:(237) 222-1918

Ms. Marie-Francoise Marie-Nelly,
Senior Program Manager, Chad-Cameroon Pipeline Cluster
The World Bank Africa Region
The World Bank, 1818 H-Street, NW, Washington DC, 20433 USA
Tel: (202) 473-6264; email:

Mr. Cadman A. Mills,
Advisor, Regional Integration and Cooperation,
The World Bank Africa Region
The World Bank, 1818 H-Street, NW, Washington DC, 20433 USA
Tel: (202) 458-8148; email:

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