Directeur: Professeur Bertrand Lemennicier-Bucquet
Adresse: Université de Paris II
1 rue d'Ulm, 75005 PARIS
Téléphone: 01 44 41 89 94 (secrétariat)
Axes de recherche :
 Théorie économique du Droit
 Théorie économique des Choix Publics
 Théorie économique des Comportements Humains
 Théorie économique des Institutions internationales et Européennes
 Théorie économique des Institutions Monétaires et Bancaires

 Développé par BWM Mediasoft
Fiche individuelle d'un doctorant ou chercheur associé
Nikolaï Wenzel, Hillsdale College (USA)

Assistant Professor, College de Hillsdale (USA).

Hillsdale College
33 E. College Street,
Hillsdale, MI 49242
E-mail :

Champs de Recherche

- analyse economique des constitutions et institutions
- Economie de libre-marché


Ph.D. in Economics, 2007, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA

Dissertation: "A Waltz of Régimes in the Land of Tangos: Lessons from Argentina on Constitutional Culture and Constitutional Maintenance", Committee:Richard E. Wagner, Economics, George Mason University (Chairman), Donald R. Boudreaux, Economics, George Mason University, Paul Dragos Aligica, Social Change Project, Mercatus Center, Georgetown University, School of Foreign Service, Washington DC

Academic Experience

- Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, MI, USA
Marion and Wallace Reemelin Chair in Free-Market Economics (since Fall 2008)
Assistant Professor of Economics (since Fall 2007; Visiting Assistant Professor, Spring 2007)

- Institut de Recherche sur la Gouvernance et l'Economie des Institutions (IRGEI), Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris II, Paris, France
Research Fellow, 2009-Present

- George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Adjunct Professor, 2005-2006

Matières enseignées

- Micro Principles (Fall 2008, Spring 2008, Fall 2007)
- Macro Principles (Spring 2009, Fall 2008, Fall 2007, Spring 2007)
- Introduction to Political Economy (Spring 2008)
- Intermediate Macroeconomics (Spring 2009)
- Constitutional Political Economy (Fall 2008, Fall 2007)
- International Trade (Spring 2009, Spring 2007)
- Miscellaneous independent studies
- Faculty Adviser to Omicron Delta Epsilon, International Honor Society in Economics
- Faculty Representative, Truman Scholarship
- Academic Honesty Review Board; Social Sciences Nominating Committee
- International Economic Policy (Fall 2005, Spring and Summer 2006)
- Micro Principles (Summer 2005)

Activités passées

- 2000-2002, Atlas Economic Research Foundation
- 2005-2007, Professeur adjoint, George Mason University

Academic Publications

9. " Constitutional Culture and Parchment: Post-Colonial Constitutional Choice in Mexico and Argentina," Historia Constitucional (forthcoming)

8. "A Chance for Constitutionally Limited Government? Lessons from Constitutional Culture and the History of Constitutional Transfer," Ave Maria International Law Journal (forthcoming)

7. "From Contract to Mental Model: Constitutional Culture as a Fact of the Social Sciences," Review of Austrian Economics (forthcoming)

6. "The Sensory Order and the Social Order: Parallels Between Hayek's Cognitive and Institutional Theories" (invited submission for The Social Science of Hayek's "The Sensory Order", William N. Butos, Volume Editor; Advances in Austrian Economics, Roger Koppl, Series Editor) (forthcoming)

5. "Postmodernism and Its Discontents: Whither Constitutionalism After God and Reason?," New Perspectives on Political Economy, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2008

4. "Postmodernism and Religion," in P. Clarke (ed.), Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Religion, Oxford University Press, 2008

3. "Ideology, Constitutional Culture, and Institutional Change: The EU Constitution as Reflection of Europe's Emergent Postmodernism," Romanian Economic and Business Review, Volume 2, No. 3, Fall 2007

2. "Beyond Parchment, Beyond Formal Rules: Constitutional Culture and Constitutional Political Economy," Ama-Gi, The Journal of the Hayek Society of the London School of Economics, Volume 8, Issue 1, Summer Term 2007

1. "The Fetterman Fight of 21 December 1866," Journal of America's Military Past, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, 2001

Papers under Review and Works in Progress

• "France's Fifth Republic at Fifty: Plebiscitarian Caesarism from Descartes to Rousseau"

• "Matching the Formal and the Informal: Constitutional Culture, Constitutional Parchment and Constitutional Failure"

• "From Dictatorship to Democracy – and from Dirigisme to Rule of Law? Constitutional Learning in Argentina Since 1983"

• "Constitutionalism, Growth and Dictatorship: Argentina's Constitutional Culture Rejects the New Parchment (1853-1930)"

• "Post-War Constitutional Choice and Economic Growth: Constitutional Culture in Japan and the Philippines"

• "Incentives and Culture, Economics and Sociology: A Literature Review"

• "Economics and Sociology: Towards a Synthetic Methodology"

• "Which Enlightenment, Which Modernity? Humble Scots and Hubristic Continentals"

• "Towards a Constitutional Theory of the Firm" with Anthony J. Evans (ESCP-EAP, London)

• "Tradition, Innovation and Institutions: The Political Economy of French Wine Production"

• "Domaine Pas de Choix: Government Intervention in the Champagne Market" with Colleen E. Haight (San Jose State University)

Academic Honors and Fellowships

- Faculty Summer Research Grants, Hillsdale College, Summer 2008

- Young Scholar Grant, Association of Private Enterprise Education, 2008, 2007, 2006

- Research Fellow, Social Change Project, Mercatus Center at George Mason U., Summers 2008, 2007 and 2006

- Hayek Fellow, Institute for Humane Studies, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005

- National Collegiate Social Sciences Award, United States Achievement Academy, 2006

- Doctoral Fellow, H.B. Earhart Foundation, 2005-2006

- Conference Grant, Association for the Study of Religion, Economics and Culture, 2005

- Summer Research Fellow, Mercatus Center and H.B. Earhart Foundation, Summer 2005

- Summer University Fellow, Université d'Aix-en-Provence, Summers 2005, 2003 and 2002

- Adam Smith Prize, George Mason University, Department of Economics, 2003

- Chairman's Award, George Mason University, Department of Economics, 2002

- Omicron Delta Epsilon, International Honor Society in Economics, 2008

- Pi Sigma Alpha, National Political Science Honor Society, 1994

- Phi Alpha Theta, International Honor Society in History, 1994

Academic Seminars and Papers Given

- Mont Pelerin Society, invited guest, regional meeting, August 2009

- "Market-Based Management University," Koch Industries, Inc. (July 2009)

- "Two Lectures on Constitutional Political Economy," given at the Foundation for Economic Education, Young Scholars Conference (July 2009)

- "Domaine Pas de Choix: Government Intervention in the Champagne Market," paper given at the American Association of Wine Economists (June 2009)

- "Themes of Freedom and Entanglement in Homer's Odyssey," Liberty Fund Seminar. Charlotte Thomas (Mercer College), Seminar Director (May 2009)

- "Parchment, Guns and Constitutional Order: An Introduction to Constitutional Political Economy," lecture given at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks (May 2009)

- Chairman/Convenor, "Roundtable on Campaign Finance," Association of Private Enterprise Education (April 2009)

- Chairman/Convenor, "Entrepreneurship, the Firm and Business Environments," Association of Private Enterprise Education (April 2009)

- Chairman/Convenor, "Topics in Constitutional Political Economy," Association of Private Enterprise Education (April 2009)

- "Towards a Constitutional Theory of the Firm," paper given at the Association of Private Enterprise Education (April 2009)

- "France's Fifth Republic at Fifty: Plebiscitarian Caesarism from Descartes to Rousseau," paper given at the Association of Private Enterprise Education (April 2009)

- "The Welfare State," Liberty Fund Seminar. Lucy Martinez Mont (Universidad Francisco Marroquin), Seminar Director (April 2009)

- "Hayek on Law, Legislation and Liberty," Liberty Fund Seminar. Lucy Martinez Mont (Universidad Francisco Marroquin), Seminar Director (January 2009)

- "From Contract to Mental Model: Constitutional Culture as a Fact of the Social Sciences," paper given at the Society for the Development of Austrian Economics (November 2008)

- "Towards a Constitutional Theory of the Firm," paper given at the Society for the Development of Austrian Economics (November 2008)

- Discussant, "Topics in Austrian Economics" and "Studies in Entrepreneurship" panels, Society for the Development of Austrian Economics (November 2008)

- "New Theories of Democratic Failure," Liberty Fund Socratic Seminar. Nicolas Maloberti (Liberty Fund), Seminar Director (October 2008)

- "What is Conservatism? What is Libertarianism?," panel organized by the Hillsdale College Politics Club (October 2008)

- "Liberty, Centralization and the Modern State," Liberty Fund Seminar. R.J. Pestritto (Hillsdale College), Seminar Director (October 2008)

- "The Subprime Mortgage Crisis," panel organized by the Hillsdale College Praxis political economy club (September 2008)

- Chairman, Claremont Institute panel on "The Future of U.S. Healthcare Policy," American Political Science Association (August 2008)

- "Tradition, Innovation and Institutions: The Political Economy of French Wine Production," paper given at the American Association of Wine Economists (August 2008)

- "The Sensory Order and the Institutional Order: Parallels between Hayek's Cognitive and Institutional Theories," paper given at the Association of Private Enterprise Education (April 2008)

- "Towards a Constitutional Theory of the Firm," paper given at the Association of Private Enterprise Education (April 2008)

- Chairman/Convenor, session on "Constitutional Political Economy," Association of Private Enterprise Education (April 2008)

- Chairman/Convenor, session on "Novel Approaches to the Firm," Association of Private Enterprise Education (April 2008)

- "Liberty and the Art of Teaching," Institute for Humane Studies faculty workshop (March 2008)

- "Free Markets and Politics Today," Hillsdale College Faculty Roundtable (January 2008)

- "Hayek, Mises and Vienna," Liberty Fund Seminar. Lucy Martinez Mont (Universidad Francisco Marroquin), Seminar Director (January 2008)

- "The Sensory Order and the Institutional Order: Parallels between Hayek's Cognitive and Institutional Theories," paper given at the Society for the Development of Austrian Economics and the Southern Economic Association (November 2007)

- "Matching the Formal and the Informal: Constitutional Culture, Constitutional Parchment and Constitutional Failure," paper given at the Cumberland Law School, Samford University, Birmingham, AL (November 2007)

- "A Tale of Two Enlightenments: Philosophical Foundations of Contemporary Economics," speech given to the Hillsdale College Praxis Political Economy Club (September 2007)

- "The Knowledge Problem: Globalization as a Dynamic Process," Annual Jean-Baptiste Say Lecture, ESCP-EAP European School of Business, London (July 2007)

- "Four Lectures on Knowledge, Incentives and Institutions," Hillsdale College Hostel Program (July 2007)

- "Constitutional Political Economy: An Introduction," speech given to the Hillsdale College Praxis Political Economy Club (April 2007)

- "The Neglected Foundation in Constitutional Political Economy: Constitutional Culture as Complex Emergent Phenomenon," paper given at the Association of Private Enterprise Education (April 2007)

- "Which Enlightenment? Exploring the Philosophical Foundations of Franco-American Differences in Civil Society and Governance," lecture given to the visiting fellows of the Institut de Formation Politique (Paris, France), Arlington, VA (July 2005, July 2006 and July 2009)

- "Towards a Research Agenda on the Emergence of (Informal) Constitutional Culture into (Formal) Constitutional Order," paper presented at the Association for Private Enterprise Education (April 2006)

- "Postmodernism and Its Discontents: Whither Constitutionalism After God and Reason?," paper presented at the Public Choice Society (March 2006)

- "Postmodernism and Its Discontents: Whither Constitutionalism After God and Reason?" Poster session at the Association for the Study of Religion, Economics and Culture (November 2005)

- Chairman, Session on "Constitutional Choice," 2005 Public Choice Society annual meeting (March 2005)

- "Ideology and Institutional Change: The EU Constitution as Reflection of Europe's Postmodernism," paper presented at the Public Choice Society (March 2005)

- Summer University of the New Economy, Université d'Aix-en-Provence, France (Summers 2002, 2003 and 2005)

- "Institutions and Economic Growth: From the Solow Growth Model to the New Institutional Economics," lecture given at George Mason University (July 2004)

- "The Economics of Property Rights," Liberty Fund Seminar. Svetozar Pejovich (Texas A&M University), Seminar Director (May 2003)

- Advanced Seminar in Austrian Economics, Foundation for Economic Education. Peter Boettke (George Mason University), Seminar Director (June 2002)

- "Free-Market Environmentalism," Liberty Fund Seminar. Eric Noyes (Political Economy Research Center), Seminar Director (September 2001)

- "Oklahoma's Singing Cowboys: Themes of Religion, Freedom and Prosperity in Sooner Country Music, from Bob Wills to Garth Brooks," paper given at the 2001 conference on "Religion, Freedom and Prosperity in Oklahoma," East Central University, Ada, Oklahoma (April 2001)

Policy Publications

- "A Mixed Market." Letter to the Editor (print version), The Economist, June 23rd-29th 2007.

- "The Golden Door – Left Open." American Enterprise Institute, Vol. 14, No.1, Jan/Feb 2003

- "Libertarian Cato Institute Contrasts with Conservative Washington." The Financial Times, June 2002

- "INS in Disarray." The Washington Times, January 2002

- "America's Other Border Patrol: The State Department's Consular Corps and its Role in U.S. Immigration." Backgrounder, Center for Immigration Studies, August 2000

- "Making Christmas Come True: State Department-INS Cooperation in Issuing Emergency Visas to Child Burn Victims." State Magazine, December 1999

- "Why We Got Out: Two Junior Officers Find That 'Kiss Up, Kick Down' Is the Working Motto of the Foreign Service." Foreign Service Journal, December 1999

- "L'accès aux institutions financières," in La planète Terre entre nos mains. Paris: Documentation Française, 1994

- "Where is the U.S. Anyway? Geographical Illiteracy in America." The Advocate, Spring 1990

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